Creators & Collaborators
Nature’s Medicine Through Time:
A Landscape of People and Practices,
Principles and Institutions
Highlighting the Profession of Naturopathic Medicine
as Physicians of the Person-Centered Traditions
Designed, Developed and Curated by
Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, ND, LAc
Editor, Co-Author, and Resident Historian
National University of Natural Medicine
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
Layout, Graphics and Implementation
ImageMaster Gwyllm Llwydd
with early contributions from:
Pamela Snider, ND, Craig Stuart Mehrmann, MPH, ND; Hunter Peterson, ND; Amy Neil, MS, MAP; Kelsang Tenpa, MA; Kelsi Ervin, ND; Laura Cotton, ND; Craig Fasullo, ND; George Luciano Gonzales, ND; Madeline Foley, DACM; Jared Zeff, ND, LAc; Jared Skowron, ND; Roger Newman Turner, ND, DO, BAc; Stephen Myers, ND, BMed, PhD; Don Warren, ND; Rev. Steven Bailey, ND; David J. Schleich, PhD; George Cody; Eric Blake, ND, LAc; Sussanna Czeranko, ND; Iva Lloyd, ND; Tina Hausser, HP; Francis Brinker, ND; Prudence Broadwell, ND; Laura Farr; Bruce Canvasser, ND; Matthew Wood, MSc (Herbal Medicine), RH (AHG);
and ongoing support from
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians; Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians; Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians; National University of Natural Medicine; Bastyr University; National University of Health Sciences; Oregon College of Oriental Medicine; University of Western States; Institute for Natural Medicine; World Naturopathic Federation…
and now you!
Phase One:
Text and Infrastructure
Phase Two:
Access to Primary Documents
Phase Three:
Photos, Images and Media
Hosted by
The Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching Association
and MedicineWorks: Health Resources Unlimited, Inc.
Financial and Operational Support
The evolution of this resource is made possible through the ongoing support of benefactors such as you.
Please make a one-time and/or ongoing financial donation and contribute content, corrections and feedback
so we can enrich and enliven this initial infrastructure with pictures, documents and other resources.
Initial creation through the vision, support and generosity of:
A WellSpring of Natural Health, PC
Health Resources Unlimited, Inc.
Home of VitalGoods and MedicineWorks
Richard and Mary Bebel
Lori Beth Stargrove, ND
Priscilla Morehouse
Peter D’Adamo, ND, and Martha D’Adamo
David J. Schleich, PhD, and Sussanna Czeranko, ND
Robert Broadwell, ND, OMD, LAc, and Prudence Broadwell, ND, OMD
Pamela Snider, ND, and Jared Zeff, ND, LAc
Christopher Thombs, Fort Creative
Dedicated with Love and Gratitude to
Raphael Brook Stargrove